
Main Board

GEM Board

Publicly issued debt securities

Privately placed debt securities

Open ended mutual funds

  • Listings History View
  • Scheme of ArrangementsPreview
  • Renamed Companies Preview
  • Demerged Companies View
  • List of liquidatorsPreview
  • Companies Registrar Download PDF Find a Listed Company here
  • Stay Order obtained by Listed Companies against SECP’s Investigation/InspectionPreview

  • Delisted Companies Preview
  • Acquisition of sharesDownload
  • Status of Compliance with CCG Regulations View
  • CHAPTER VII of Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2017 Preview
  • List of Approved Institutions

    Notice issued by the Exchange to all Listed Companies & Issuer of listed securities KSE/N-920 dated February 21, 2013Preview

  • List of Approved Institutions for Director Training Programs


  • Analysis ReportView

  • Correspondence Manual for Listed CompaniesPreview

Gateway for Growth

The Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) has designed a comprehensive suite of corporate services packages to offer a one-stop solution for listed companies. These services aim to encourage listed entities to enhance investor relations, streamline corporate affairs, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

As a frontline regulator, we are offering following services:

Corporate Analyst Briefing facilitation

It is the responsibility of all listed companies to inform their stakeholders and analysts about the company’s financial performance, challenges, upcoming expansions, and future outlook. This transparency enables investors to make informed decisions about their commitment to the company’s future, as direct communication from the company serves as an invaluable resource. Below are the services,

  • Time Duration: 2- 3 Hours
  • Facilities Provided: Auditorium with seating arrangements, multimedia equipment, internet access, Zoom Setup, and basic refreshments for up to 80-100 attendees. Furthermore, a list of research analysts will be provided to the companies.

Orientation of PUCARS Interface

In-house orientation on the PUCARS interface will be provided for appointed company representatives, as they sometimes find it challenging to upload information in a timely manner. This orientation is essential for newly listed companies. This is also beneficial for existing listed companies, as it serves as a periodic refresher.

Training on the Regulatory Requirement

An essential regulatory training program for listed companies, offered by the Regulatory Affairs Division (RAD) of the Pakistan Stock Exchange, helps both new and existing companies. It addresses all regulatory requirements and serves as an opportunity to clarify their understanding of regulatory matters.

Directors Training Program

The Directors Training Program (DTP) is conducted by the Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance (PICG). All boards need to have their directors certified and trained. To facilitate this, we have coordinated with PICG to offer you a director training program at discounted rates.

Workshop by PICG

Pakistan Stock Exchange partnered with PICG to provide value added services for the listed companies on PSX. Training, awareness sessions and webinars, among others, are being offered to benefit various aspects of your businesses.

Complimentary Investor Awareness Session

The Pakistan Stock Exchange has begun conducting investor awareness sessions for the staff of listed companies to spread awareness about financial planning, savings and investments, and the functioning of the stock exchange. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of employee wellbeing for companies from a sustainability perspective.

Here are the proposed packages offered by PSX:

Foundation Package Advanced Package

Basic: PKR 175,000 +Tax

Basic: PKR 550,000 +Tax

Premium: PKR 240,000 +Tax

Premium: PKR 950,000 +Tax

Foundation Package can be availed at any time throughout the year

*Refreshments include standard menu

*Refreshments include standard menu

**Costing of Workshop and DTP are based on discounted tariff rates by PICG &
excludes SST.

Package Registration open till Oct 10th, 2024

**Valid till August 2025

“Our investors are eager to learn about the successes of business in Pakistan, and we are committed to making that happen!”

For Booking